
Project: ICT_Education_Onderwijsondersteuning




I am a teacher and work at L.B.O Brokopondo. I provide  SWO  ( geography, biology and history). I am also a student of the I.O.L. I’m open to criticism and  changes. I’m not really creative, but I hope that this training will increase  my creativity.


I am a teacher at the  VOJ Hockeyschool, a secundary school. I teach for 3 year. 2 years ago I taught history, but now I teach Social World Orientation. To further motivate my students I would like to use ICT  to teach my lessons. It is clear to me that my students better enjoy the lessons when we use resource materials.That is why I want to better develop my  ICT skills .


Teacher at the highschool HAVO also student of IOL.I’m studying ICT. I am a creative woman. I am also strongly believe in what I do. I would like my contribution to change delivery through ICT in education.


Teacher at LBO A/B/C/ level (subject physics) plus a student at the ICT course . The course I study for is Biology. Creativity at making my own clothes just for fun thus as an hoby. I am progressive and love new ideas.


I am Gina a primary school teacher who love’s her pupils very much. I am eager to learn and I really do learn a lot every day and from everyone even from my pupils. I am a motivated, devoted motherlike teacher who wants the best for her kids. This course  that I am following will enable me to teach better and to make a bigger impact in the lives of my students. This assignment is the perfect test to prove what can be done with ICT to improve the educational level of my beloved country Suriname.I have a message for my fellow group members: “Lets go for it and YES WE CAN and WE WILL. SURINAME VOORUIT.”


I teach ICT for about 15 years now. As a contractor at Suralco I had the opportunity to equip employees with ICT-skills needed to work efficiently in the company. Eleven year ago I took this experience to the secondary school to prepare student for further education  and work. In the organization I work for, I also have the opportunity to train primary school teachers.

Project Description:

Conversations with teachers reveal that there are topics (such as volcanism, the workings  with compass, etc) that are more difficult – even with the available visual material – to smoothly bring the message across to some pupils. To help teachers  with their instruction and to enable students take in the information or subject matter in a pleasant, modern and contemporary manner, we thought it appropriate to supply an ICT-enhanced presentation of the subjects which pupils experience with multiple use of the senses to comprehend the matter. This is to be achieved using Powerpoint presentations, animations, audio and footage. These presentations are also intended to be viewed by the  pupils at home with or without their parents.

Because of the available time window – 5 weeks –  to complete this project, we have decided within the group ICT_Education_ Onderwijsondersteuning, to start with subjects such as history, geography etc. After further brainstorming, it is decided to make a start with the subject geography. Survey forms were drawn up and given to teachers of more than 30 different schools – within and outside Paramaribo. They may choose  5 themes per grade which they would like to see dealt with. We are using the methods provided by the Ministry of Education. Results from the surveys  will indicate which are the 5 top themes requested by teachers and these will be introduced in the first phase on our website.

Eventually, it is possible to expand this project with:

  • All geography themes of all grades
  • The sciences  and history
  • tests (categorized by subject, all subjects per theme)
  • educational games

It is our objective, ultimately, that teachers supported by our methods when giving instructions, that pupils – wherever they may live in Suriname – will achieve higher scores in national exams, thanks due a faster and easier comprehension of the subject matter. For, each insufficient grade is just one too many.

Beschrijving project:

Uit gesprekken met leerkrachten blijkt dat er soms onderwerpen (z.a. vulkanisme, werken met kompas,  etc) zijn die wat meer moeite vergen – om zelfs met de beschikbare aanschouwlijk materiaal – vlot ingang te hebben bij sommige leerlingen. Om de leerkracht op weg te helpen bij de uitleg en de leerlingen in staat te stellen op een aangename en bij de tijd aangepaste wijze de leerstof op te nemen hebben wij gemeend ICT in te zetten bij het presenteren van de leerstof waarbij de leerlingen meerdere zintuigen kunnen gebruiken om de stof te begrijpen. Met behulp van Powerpointpresentaties, animaties, audio- en beeldmateriaal willen wij dit bewerkstelligen. Het is ook de bedoeling dat de leerlingen thuis met of zonder  hun ouders de lessen kunnen bekijken.

Vanwege de beschikbare tijd –  5 weken –  om dit project af te ronden hebben wij binnen de groep ICT_Education_Onderwijsondersteuning gemeend met de leervakken te beginnen. Gekozen is  na brainstormen voor een start met aardrijkskunde. Vervolgens zijn er enquête  formulieren opgesteld waarbij leerkrachten op meer dan 30 verschillende scholen – binnen en buiten Paramaribo –  per leerjaar 5 thema’s kunnen aangeven die ze graag behandeld willen zien. We gaan hierbij uit van de methoden verstrekt door het Ministerie van Onderwijs. Uit de enquête zullen de 5 thema’s per leerjaar die het meest aangevraagd zijn door de leerkrachten  in de eerste fase op onze website verschijnen.

T.z.t.  is uitbreiding van het project mogelijk met:

  • alle thema’s aardrijkskunde van alle klassen
  • natuuronderwijs en geschiedenis
  • toetswerken (gecategoriseerd per onderwerp, alle onderwerpen, per thema)
  • educatieve spelletjes

We hopen uiteindelijk dat leerkrachten die ondersteuning krijgen waarnaar ze uitkijken bij de overdracht, dat de leerlingen – waar ze ook mogen wonen in Suriname – door een beter  en sneller begrip van zaken hogere scores zullen behalen bij de landelijke testen. Elke onvoldoende voor het vak is er een teveel.

Since WordPress does not seem to be WYSIWYG we created another blog with same information: http://hardarginromgwemil.blogspot.com

Link for feedback to our website at wix.com (under construction): http://bit.ly/1F1VrrP

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